A new exercise on portrait painting using the technique of glazing, using alquidic paint, now I am using as model a photo of my wife Marcela I took during our honeymoon:
Step One: Charcoal drawing and fixing it with hairspray.
Step Two: Once the drawing is protected by the layer of hairspray give it a thin glaze with a mix of alkyd sap green and burnt sienna thinned with oil medium with a bit of alquidic medium.
Step Three: I begin to put color in it using only burnt sienna and white.
Step Four: I continue adding color, some green and blue to get in the mood, and then some glaze all over the painting with a mix of green and blue with oil and alkyd medium.
Step Five: I fix the size of the reflection which I had it wrong in the first step Continue adding painting to get more detail.
Step Six: I try to make the tones smoother and apply another transparent glaze.
Step Seven: I apply a local glaze on the reflection.
Step Eight: After another local glaze; the finished? Painting.

Even I am not fully satisfied with the painting I think it was a nice exercise. I still have to learn that what I have to do is exercises, not masterpieces, so sometimes among these exercises I might get something good.
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