Sunday, July 18, 2010

Human figure

My first human figure painting, oil on canvas. In this ocassion I sketched with a brush with burnt sienna directly on the canvas, and began to apply shadows and some colors.
The next session I continued defining forms and enhanced shadows and textures.
Later on I began adding some lights, and defining forms a little more
I continued working with lights and on the background. Finally decides to finish the foot, but I was not very happy with it because the model change the original position.
The last session I continued refining some details, and change the foot position to a more natural one. I do not consider the painting finished, but I abandoned the work for now.

Saturday, July 17, 2010


I participated in the Autumm Salon of the Chilean Society of Fine Arts, and I got a Honourable Mention Award for a grafite Self Portrait on paper I published peviously in this site. This was the second award I have got form three times I have sent works to contests. The first ocassion I was five years old, and I got an award from an Airline contest by depicting how comfortable were their flights with the Caravell Rolls-Royce. The second time I was a teen and I failed on getting into the jury's taste on a Soviet Union Embassy Art contest about the theme: "The Worker"; there I participated with a Lumberjack with indian ink. Now, the third time I am on my fifties, and I have got this recognition. Probably I will keep participating.

Pastels Trial

I tried to do something with pastels, just about one hour trying to work a still life on paper. I was nost satisfied with the result but it still valid as an exercise.