Monday, November 02, 2009

Portrait Painting, eigth and nineth session

During the eight session I worked in the bakground, homeogenizing the painting and applying a thicker layer with a bit of yellow and red, also I widened the shoulders a little, and tried to warm-up the skin. I did not attend to the studio for the nineth session because I went with my wife to a concert of "Il Divo" (I gave her tickets for her birthday) so I took the canvas home and worked based on a photography (the same I posted previoulsy) on the lights, and on the eyes which were not quite right, now they are more open and green, not blue. I also gave some touches to the air and shoulders.

Portrait Painting, seventh session

During this session the work was on the skin, begining with the shadows and dark tones.
Then I continue with the hair and mid-tones. I was still working with the limited palette of red, yellow and blue, this make the work more difficult because I tried no to use different types of yellow, blue or red despite of the fact it was the teacher's idea. The color of the shirt, for example, was not possible to achieve based on ultramarine blue.
At this stage I am not really satisfied with the results, I have some concerns eith the proportions: the head looks a bit large compared with the rest of the body. I checked again with the model, and it is OK. I will check again during the following stages, and if this impression does not change I will try to fix this effect enhancing the shoulders or something else.